Flanders Scan Tested Alpha Cell HEPA Filters, Actual Size 24"x60"x5.875"

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Flanders Scan Tested Alpha Cell HEPA Filters, Actual Size 24"x60"x5.875"

Flanders Precisionaire offers a complete line of Alpha Cell HEPA filters in two efficiencies to meet the needs of critical applications whereHEPA filtration is required. Individual testing, rigid quality control and modern assembly methods are used to ensure conformance to specifications. AlphaCell HEPA and ULPA filters are either UL 900 Class 1 or Class 2 listed. Typical applications for Alpha Cell Filters include: • Hospitals• Biomedical•Pharmaceutical• Biotechnology• Genetic Research• Universities• Laboratories•Food Processing• Photo Processing• Semiconductor Fabrication• IndustrialProcessing Systems.

FlandersPrecisionaire individually tests and certifies each HEPA Filter to meet thecustomer’s requirements for resistance and efficiency (penetration) at thefilter’s nominal rated capacity. This information appears on a test labelaffixed to the filter. When used with correctly selected and installed mountingframes or housings, Flanders Precisionaire HEPA Filters will easily pass anin-place validation test to determine the overall system efficiency.

Each HEPA filtershall have a minimum efficiency of 99.97% on 0.30 micrometer size particleswhen tested at rated capacity on a Q-107 Penetrometer. Filters rated for 1000cfm or less are challenged with an approved nearly monodispersed oil aerosol of0.30 micrometer size. Filters rated for flows greater than 1000 cfm are testedusing a polydispersed oil aerosol. By measuring the upstream and downstreamconcentration of these particles with a light scattering photometer, thepenetration can be determined and the efficiency can be calculated. 
Each Scan Tested HEPAfilter has a minimum efficiency of 99.99% on 0.30 micrometer particles. Scantesting is in accordance with Section 6.2 of IEST-RP-CC034.1, HEPA and ULPAFilter Leak Tests. In the scan test, the filter is challenged with a highconcentration of an approved oil aerosol or PSL (Polystyrene Latex Spheres).The media pack and pack-to-frame seal is scanned using a photometer or particlecounter to insure that there are no leaks greater than .01% of the upstreamconcentration at 100 fpm face velocity.
FlandersPrecisionaire can provide Pureform® and Separator Style ULPA Filters withefficiencies up to 99.9995% on 0.12 micrometer size particles. Please contactthe factory for more information.
Guide Specifications
1.0 General
1.1 Alpha Cell HEPAfilters shall be extended media (separator type) (Pureform separatorless type)filters as manufactured by Flanders Precisionaire.
1.2 Filter sizes,capacities and construction options shall be as scheduled on the drawings.
1.3 Filters shall be(UL 900 Class 1)( UL 900 Class 2) listed.
2.0 FilterConstruction
2.1 The filter packshall be constructed by pleating a continuous sheet of non-wovenwater-resistant fiberglass media around hemmed-edge corrugated aluminumseparators. The filter pack shall be constructed by pleating a continuous sheetof formed, corrugated medium so that the pack is self-supporting without theuse of spacers of any kind, including separators, tape strings, adhesives orstrips of media.
2.2 The filter packshall be sealed into a (galvaneal) (409 stainless steel) (304 stainless steel)(particleboard) (fire-retardant particleboard) (fire-retardant plywood) framewith a fire retardant (polyurethane foam) ( solid urethane) sealant. (Steelframes shall be 16 ga.) (Wood frames shall be 3/4 in. thick.)
2.3 (A 40-durometerclosed-cell neoprene gasket) 
(Silicone gel in achannel) shall be provided on one or more sides to seal the filter in themounting device.
3.0 Performance
3.1 Initial and finalresistances shall not exceed the scheduled values.
3.2 Alpha Cell HEPAFilters shall have a minimum efficiency of 99.97% on 0.30 micrometer particleswhen tested at rated capacity on a Q-107 Penetrometer. Each filter shall bechallenged with an approved nearly monodispersed oil aerosol of 0.30 micrometersize. Measure the upstream and downstream concentration of these particles witha light scattering photometer, determine the penetration and calculate theefficiency. 
3.3 Alpha Cell ScanTested HEPA Filters shall have a minimum efficiency of 99.99% on 0.30micrometer particles. Scan Testing shall be in accordance with Section 6.2 ofIEST-RP-CC034.1. The scan test shall consist of challenging the filter with ahigh concentration of an approved oil aerosol or PSL Spheres. Utilizing aphotometer or particle counter, the media pack and the pack- to- frame sealshall be scanned to insure that there are no leaks greater than .01% of theupstream concentration at 100 fpm face velocity.

Alpha Cell HEPA Filter Dimensions and Capacities

Flanders Presicionaire manufactures both conventional Separator Style and Pure form Separator less HEPA Filters. To make a Separator Style filter, the media is folded over corrugated aluminum separators with hemmed edges to separate the pleats in the filter pack. Flanders Precisionaire manufactures its own filter media, enabling it to develop a unique manufacturing process for the production of Pure form Separator less HEPA Filters. In one manufacturing operation, Flanders Precisionaire produces a self-supporting and self-separating Pure form Media Pack. The Pure form Filter offers many advantages over conventional Separator Style HEPA Filters: More usable media area for longer service life because of higher dust holding capacity Reduced cost of ownership because of longer service life Maximum utilization of the media Can handle some harsh environments which may attack aluminum separators Media pack can be incinerated Media is 28 mils thick, which is significantly thicker than conventional 15 mil media used in Separator Style HEPA Filters

Faceguards are used to protect the filter media from mechanical damage. The usual faceguard material is expanded aluminized steel. 

UL Listings
Alpha Cell Filters are either UL900 Class 1 or Class 2 listed depending on materials of construction. The standard gasket seal is 0.75 in. x0.25 in. neoprene for installation on either the upstream, downstream or both sides of the filter. The standard Fluid Seal is Flanders Precisionaire Blu-Jel®Seal which is a two - part silicone material suitable for temperatures up to390°F.